Sunday, May 17, 2009

So long never update...


St james+arena on wed was fun...

All my friends, lets meet up soon...

I miss you all too...

Going on a holiday on 29...

Can't wait for it...

Saturday, May 02, 2009

"Smoking is good for HELL. If you think you are the smoker, you are not. It is the cigarette that smokes. You are merely the sucker at the end." =)
会唱情歌的人不一定懂的如何去爱 我们都会唱情歌 但我们都无法把爱说出口.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Does this describe me?
You are flat out fun. You are the party girl who everyone wants to be around. You're fun, silly, and confident a great combination. You would never be caught dead in a pant suit, but a micro-mini? You bet. Low rise, torn up fashion jeans are your style, and dancing is what you're best at. Purse in one hand, a drink in the other; put both above your head and dance the night away. Tramp stamp? Yep "I got one, lemme see yours!"

大嘴巴-永遠在身邊(完全).Mp3 - big mouth

Baby boy永遠永遠手牽手


永遠永遠要記得 我們要一起生活



不放開手到永久 我們要一起生活

眼淚她為你流過 也為自己掉過

對於你們的愛 她總是抱著堅強的笑容

錯過那些時間 謝謝她的守候

是時候緊緊牽她的手 帶她到你的城堡裡

最近還好嗎 想念的心開不了口

枯想著妳有沒有好好過 擔心著妳每天生活

你好嗎最近如何 照顧身體工作加油

我一個人也會勇敢好好過 不讓你擔心多一秒

想念著 每天每秒我們故事 每天每秒說好的事

兩個人一起散步 是最浪漫的事

你是我的天使 給我力量能夠堅持

那些關心問候 翅膀一樣的雙手 是我最幸福的所有

心裡面有你建的角落 脆弱時我能夠躲一躲

妳愛我像翅膀一樣溫柔的手 我要抱著妳不要再錯過

你的愛是最藍那片天空 cuz baby girl I'm coming back home




這份愛 不是悸動 守護一輩子的感動


心疼妳會睡不好 總是縮在床的一角

我要回來給妳依靠 哄妳看妳笑著睡著

照片裡你的微笑 我們甜蜜得打鬧

好希望微風把思念 代替我親吻你嘴角

想念著 每天每秒我們故事 每天每秒說好的事

約定好去看的風景 愛譜成了詩

你就是我的天使 給我力量能夠堅持

陽光燦爛午後 我又在街上走 你的影子不再寂寞

想到你的身邊到不了 像個路人般看熱鬧

經過那個屬於我們的轉角 走過兩個人曾經逛的街

那些店還有熟悉的畫面 oh baby girl I'm coming back home


沒有辦法想像 那畫面

一個孤獨的背影走在 小公園

一顆心 需要暖 一雙手 需要牽

故事要有美好結局 需要兩雙手來寫

永遠 不是只出現在童話裡的夢

在身邊 眼淚加了蜜糖甜

這句點 要完美畫在無名指上

承諾的開始 戀人們 要一起珍藏


Look what I found. I used to make so may of these using photoshop.

Feel like doing all these again, but my skill is so rusty.


Not like my skill was good then.

Baby... come back to me, I'm missing you already.

Met up with my one only meimei.

She is going back to Denmark again.

Last time I left her for England, now is her turn. Karma is a bitch.

This is seriously the best picture of the lot, although I look hilarious.

This is like Dec 2006, I didn't change much huh?

tiff, me,wanhao

Tiffany, me and wanhao. She kept insist that I stand in the middle, and that bastard wanhao kept calling her lao po, and people kept staring at me!!

I'm eating and she still snapping away, HAPPILY.

We were in the toilet for half an hour snapping away. After Wanhao just can't stop nagging. Haha.

Wanhao is kinda handsome, except he's sooooooooo zilian.

Took this today. My hair needs a make over, my skin need some facial care, roar, I'm in a terrible state.