Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
You rarely need Polyjuice potion because you're usually happy just being you! While you might not make the biggest splash or cause drama, you slowly and steadily win over lots of people who think you're pretty darn wonderful. While you can be a little shy and self-conscious at times (especially around a crush), you're probably considered to be a BFF by more than just one person.
Luckily, your talents aren't just the magic kind. You're also kind and smart and just great to be around. Looks like you'll have a very charmed life indeed!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
What am I so disappointed about?
Everything!!! Yes, everything!
I hope you are reading this.
I don't want to mention your name,
Neither do I want to call you names.
Why so nice to you?
I'm not pretending to nice, or what-so-ever.
Because you once were considered my best friend.
The first best friend I made since I'm here.
I used to think you are some kind of girl I can look up to.
Maybe I thought too highly of you.
I should rather say, I feel pity for you.
However, everything turn to be....
You always tell me, everyone around you are just pretending to be nice, actually they are evil.
They are treating you nicely, just to await for your careless moment, just one tiny winy little carelessness.
They would make a big fuss about it.
Make the problem becomes so serious that it would ruin your whole life.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Have not been blogging for such a long time.
Alot had happened lately.
Need sometimes to sort them out before I can move on.
I really wish I can get back to singapore right now.
That is the only place that make me feel belonged.
There are my friends, my love, places that I know and people that I know.
Here, I have nothing, almost nothing, and won't have anything.
So emotional.
Anyway, brought home a cutie.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Oh yeah! So finally.
I went to the St. Paul's Cathedral yesterday, with two of my classmates and one other guy. I don't even know his name after spending 3 hours walking together. I'm amazing. XD
OK, enough of nonsense. We had to pay 8.50GBP ( I don't have the pond sign on my laptop).
That is still acceptable, cause I know they have to pay for the staff, pay for maintenance and things like that. But what the *&^%, we are NOT ALLOWED to TAKE PICTURES. @__@
Why can't we take pictures of the nice architecture?
When we realised we are not allowed to take pictures and still have to pay so much....
We started to have criminal thoughts.... SNEAK IN...
However, we didn't, we are good people, so we bought the tickets.
I took some photos, wahahahaha!!
By the way, we have to climb 530 steps to reach the top, @#$%^.
My friends were telling me, everyday climb up an down this church, can lose weight la.
I rather go gym can.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
screwed make up, cause I did it in a hurry.
Mummy dearest
twitz!!! LOL
acting cool...but still very twitz!! LMAO
Xia la!! Someone bu shuang already... ='(
Someone took this when I was drunk, so unglam, who who who?
The newly wed.
F4...? LOL
Last night was quite happening, but I don't quite remember.
I was supposed to call my friends today, but after too much of alcohol, the morning after was really bad.
So....对不起 =(
I promise I won't take any more alcohol, not even a drop.
Till next weekend... XD
Anyway, there was this ang mo guy, he was trying something funny to us.
Then my uncle started to protect my mum.
My aunt got her husband.
Me lei?
However, nothing much actually happen, the guy back off after that.
Well, basically, he just tried to get close the ladies (us).
So the men stood out.
Poor me.. ='(
That's all for today, will update soon.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I've got nothing to blog about, so I decided to do a questionaire.
1.Where is your cell phone? beside me
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? one and only
3. Hair? need some trimming
4. Your mother? on the phone with her friend
5. Your father? not with me right now
6. Your favorite item? my laptop
7. Your dream last night? a very sweet one
.8. Your favorite drink? strawberry
9. Your dream guy/girl? sensual, romantic, humorous, and forgiving
10. The room you are in? nice and cleaned
12. Your fears? cockcroaches, height, darkness and loneliness
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? a boss of a few shops
14. Who did you hang out with last night? shopping centres
15. What are you not? patient
16. Are you in love? yes
17. One of your wish list items? macbook
18. What time is it? 7.05pm
19. The last thing you did? dinner
20. What are you wearing? pajamas
21. Your favorite book? chinese cinderalla
23. The last thing you ate? rice and sweet and sour soup
24. Your life? filled with lots of hopes and dreams
25. Your mood? average
26. Your friends? miss them
27. What are you thinking about right now? clubbing
28. Your dream car? lamborghini
29. What are you doing at this moment? this
30. Your summer? wasn't that hot
31. Your relationship status? very strong
32. What is on your TV screen? MTV
33. When is the last time you laughed? last night
SECTION 2: Another set of questions.
1. Where were you 1 hour ago? home
2. Who will be your next kiss? Daneil Racliffe
3. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? yeah
4. When is the last time you went to the mall? yesterday
5. Are you wearing socks right now? no
6. When was the last time you went out of the state/province? last week
7. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? nope
8. What was the last thing you had to drink? water
9. What are you wearing right now? pajamas
10. What was your last purchase? some candies
11. Last food you ate? rice with sweet and sour soup
12. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my uncle
13. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? nope
14. Do you have a pet? i wish i have one
15. What’s the last sporting event you watched? some soccer thingy
16. What is your favorite class? dance
17. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? beside my bibi
18. What is the last thing you purchased online? none
20. What’s your favorite pizza? hawaiian lover
21. Do you miss anyone? bibi, joleen, cherry, huimin, yilin, noren, kaiwen, renice, prasad, mr lee, and bubble.
22. Last “play” you saw? i can't remember
23. What are your plans for the day? settle my business stuff
24. Who is the last person you messaged on myspace? i seldom use myspace
25. Ever go to camp? yeah
26. Were you an honor roll student in school? i don't know
27.What do you know about the future? a happy family
28. Are you wearing perfume/cologne? yeah
30. Where is your best friend located? 14 hours away ='(
31. Do you have a tan? nope, it's all gone by now
32. How old do you want to be when you have kids? 25 or 28
33. What’s on your mind? I wanna have twins
34. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? yeah
35. Have you ever drank your POP from a straw? I don't know what's POP
36. How do you like your POP? what is POP?
37. Do you like hot sauce? chilli? yeah
38. Last time you took a shower? few hours ago.
39. Who do you like? jolin tsai
40. Where do you work? opp my school
41. Are you someone’s best friend? I hope I still am
42. What’s the last TV show you watched? some drama series
SECTION 3: The hundred questions.
1. Are you in a complicated relationship? no
2. How about a serious/happy relationship? yes
4. How many houses have you lived in? 5 or 6
5. Favorite candy bar? I only like gums
6. Have you ever tripped someone? maybe
7. Least favorite school subject? maths
8. How many pairs of shoes do you own? i’m too lazy to count them.
9. Do you own a Britney Spears CD? one
10. Have you ever thrown up in public? nope
12. Favorite genre of music? anything with a good melody
13. Whats your zodiac sign? aquarious
14. What time were you born? 2am
15. Do you like beer? yikes
16. Have you made a prank phone call? yeah
17. What is the most embarrassing CD you own? i don’t remember
18. Are you sarcastic? i have to admit so.
19. What are your favorite color(s)? pink, hite, black and purple
20. How many watches do you own? none
21. Summer or winter? winter
22. Is anyone in love with you? I hope so, yes la
23. Favorite color to wear? black and pink
24. Pepsi or Sprite? coke zero
26. Where is your second home? singapore
27. Have you ever slapped someone? yeah
29. How many lamps are in your bedroom? 1
30. How many video games do you own? i’d rather spend my money on clothes
31. First pet you owned? dog
32. Ever had braces? nope
33. Shampoo you use? don't know how to spell
34. Do you use chapstick? you mean chopstick?
35. Name 4 teachers from grade school? I'm getting bored
36. American Eagle or Abercrombie? American Eagle tees i likeeeee
37. Are you too forgiving? maybe
38. How many children do you want? four =D
39. Do you own something from Hot Topic? no
40. Favorite breakfast meal? french style
41. Do you own a gun? no!
42. Ever thought you were in love? I'm in love
43. When was the last time you cried? can't remember
44. What did you do last night? sleeping
45. Olive Garden? ??
46. Have you ever called your teacher mommy? no...!!??
47. Have you ever been in a castle? yup
48. Nicknames? bunny, meimei, amui....
52. Are you thinking about somebody right now? yup
53. Ever called somebody Boo? heh? booboo? XD
54. Do you smoke? nah
55. Do you own a diamond ring? fake one?
56. Are you happy with your life right now? yes and no
57. Do you like your hair? no
58. Who is the one person who can make you happy any day? myself...?
60. What were you doing in May of 1994? oh my, i was 5 only, so no idea
61. Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD? i think i did
62. Mcdonalds or Wendys? Mcdonalds
63. Do you like yourself? a little
64. Are you closer to your Mother or Father? mother
65. Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex? huh?
66. Are you afraid of the dark? yes
67. Have you ever eaten paste? i think.
68. Do you own a webcam? ya
69. Have you ever stripped? lol....that remind me of dance....igrid?
70. Ever broke a bone? yup
71. Do you have a cell phone? uh huh
72. Do you chat on AIM often? i don’t AIM.
73. Pringles or Lays? lays
74. Have you ever had your heart broken? ya, it was really bad
75. Ever had a wish come true? i guess so.
77. Did you like your high school guidance counselor? no
78. Ever kiss in the rain? i would like to try
79. Do you have any pets?no
80. Do you own a car? i wish
81. Can you cook? subjective.
82. 3 things that annoy you? rude peopl and comments,loud people, "sticky" people
83. Do you text message often? yes
84. Money or love? both
85. Do you have any scars? yes
86. What do you want more than anything right now? macbook
87. Do you enjoy scary movies? NO.
88. Go play in traffic? no. crazy ah?
89. Gum? in mouth right now
90. Do you enjoy sweet food? to a certain level
91. Have you seen all the Rocky movies? no
92. Do you own a box of crayons? used to
93. Ever had sex in a public place? lol....
94. Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? bibi
95. Who was the last person that made you mad? some stupid random guy on the street
96. Who was the last person that made you cry? i can't remember
97. Who was the last person that made you laugh? Mr vee
98. Who was the last person that text you? bibi
99. Who was the last person that called you? my uncle
100. Who’s your cell phone provider? mummy
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Woke up in the morning and found this thingy on my bed. @_@
It's a ladbird actually.
I didn't kill it, although I really hate bugs, but that doesn't make me a bug muderer.
What a way to start my day! O_O
Finally won this game for once, I've been playing for three days, this game is really addictive and difficult.
It requires alot of thinking and planning.
So that proves that I can really think. ^^
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I went for a try out at the saloon I intending to start up my business.
I thought I did really badly, so I was in a really bad mood after that.
Feeling really useless.
On the way home, I went to a cake shop, bought 2 big piece of cake.
After finishing the first big piece, I felt utterly guilty, so sinful, those two pieces were made out of full cream some more.
So I wasted the second piece, and head home, feeling worst.
Experts say that eating sweet stuff would make you feel happier, or at least better.
However, I don't feel happier, at all, it was the other way round @__@
I think I had gained another kg or so, silly me!
Anyway, today I went back to that saloon to get the answer if I can set up my business there.
The owner agreed, and asked me to go back and get everything ready, I can start off anytime I like.
I felt a little better after that, but don't understand whythe feeling of being useless still linger in me.
Really wish I can fly back to Singapore at this instant.
I wanna be with my friends. Only them can bring the happiness I needing most at this moment.
I want my Bibi to give a tight hug, a little kiss, telling me everything will work out well, telling me he will always be there.
Only him can give me the inner secure and peaceful feel that I need.
I feel so alone and tired.
Friday, October 05, 2007
You are there enjoying yourself with your friends.
I'm here suffering.
Suffering from my gastric, suffering from headaces.
You say I never message you, then why didn't you message me?
You know I've been busy going around, looking or a nice place to start off my business. Don't you? =X
You didn't even call me...
I feel more alone than ever...
Not gonna care about you anymore. @#$%^&;*
I've been really busy recently.
I've been hunting every possible corner of busy streets in London, to find a place that is suitable for my little business.
I rushed around every now and then.
Morning rush to school, normally, I don't have to, but because in the afternoon, I would go look for a business area, I've to doll up myself.
First reason for dolling up is, the first impression is very important.
People will have a good impression of you, if you look pleasant, or at least, NEAT.
Secondly, my business is about looking good, so if I don't look good, how can I convince people that I can make them look good.
A very simple principle isn't it?
Thirdly, I personally like to dress up. =)
I find studying business is really very interesting. I would like to recommend all my friends to pick up business courses, if they still have no idea what to do in the future.
Best of all, it doesn't involve too much of mathematics. Just a lot of strategics.
So do consider business and management courses.
My blog is getting a little bit boring.
I'm thinking of trying out some new stuff.
But gotta wait till I settle my business first, alright?
To all of my KCPSS friends, all the best for your exams.
I hope you guys and girls have yet to forget me.
I'm missing you all really alot.
Do take good care of yourself.
Cause I'll be back really soon. (I hope)
Sunday, September 30, 2007

I hate seeing them on the street, I hate seeing them on the train, I hate seeing them in the shops.
I just simply hate the sight of them.
They can see each other as and when they like it.
We are thousand miles apart. Even timing are so different.
What can I do when I miss him, want to see him.
When can you be all mine?
That day will come, right?
It surely will, won't it?
How far is it?
Because that is all I can do....
You may think it looks alright, actually it's not, at all!
Will be changing my blogskin soon, really soon, but still working on it.
So stay tunned ya?
Anyway, I have got a really pleasant news.
My mum had given me the permission to start up my own business.
Sounds great isn't it?
I'm gonna start with a really small business.
I'll rent a litlle corner at a hair saloon, place a manicure table.
I'll be the boss and the worker at the same time. :)
That's how my mum start up er business as well.
It's a really humble begining, but I've confidence that I'll build up an empire with it.
Amy, jia you jia you jia you!! (3 cheers to myself) XD
All my friends, you guys will back me up(mentally) right?
Wish me luck!
Friday, September 28, 2007
How have you guys been doing?
I have not been blogging for quite a few days now.
I was busy preparing for my beloved mum's birthday.Let's me tell how it turns out, alright?On monday, I went to order the cake, without knowing what favour to buy.
By the way, I thought thursday is the 26th, which is her birthday, so I ordered to be collected on thursday. Thank god, they only take down the date.
I was so panic when I realised that thursday is the 27th.
I have no more money to buy another cake, luckily only the date was written on the receipt.
Phew!!Now come to the decoration part.
I walked around the decoration shop for several hours, yet still have no idea how I should decorate the room.
So I end up having to buy all the stuff on the day itself.
It turns out bery nice, but not as nice as I have expected it to be.
On the day, I've asked my teacher to let me skip half of the lesson.
I had only one lesson on that day.
Then the mad rush began.( I thought)End up, my bloody uncle, he say cannot go too early.
I have loiter around on the damn cold street for 3 hours.
I couldn't take it anymore, so I just hack care, I bet with my luck.I went to collect the cake, then head home, betting with my luck to see if my mum was at home,
Because that she was supposed to go to the market and buy some stuff for my grandma.
I was luck enough, she was not at home when I reached home.
While waiting for stupid uncle to arrive, I cam-whore a litlle.
Pa chiao eyes.( dunno how 2 spell)He finally call me. Asking me what to do next. I say keep my mm away from the house. So that I can put up the decorations.So I finally get to put up the decorations in peace. Suddenly, my mum came back, I got totally freaked out la can? She saw the cake, but not the decorations.Phew!!Now then that damn uncle turns up, he managed to pull my mum out of the house (with no violence means) I got some more time to put up the rest of the decorations.This is how the cake looks like.She doesn't want people to know how she is so I didn't put her birthday and year.More pictures will be updated soon. Maybe videos too. So stay tunned! ^^By the way, in the evening, my mum's so called best friend came over. So the actually party only begins at 8pm.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
There you go, as promised!!
A tour around my new school.
So sorry there is no talking in that video.
I actually did talked, but I don't know what happened, all the talking are gone after I uploaded it onto my computers.
So I replace it with a song, hope you guys enjoy it anyway.
Let's me guide you guys a little here.
Our school office, princepal desk and staff office are like so patheticly small, as compare to my school office back in Singapore.
We have a sun terrace, we use for little parties in the summer, older students using it for smoking, or just simply hang out, we can't use it these days, too cold to do that.
We also have a student room, where we can make coffee or tea free of charge, cups are provided, but very little in number, we sometimes use that as a studying room as well.
There is a internet room, with computers that is internet accessible, and with printer and a photocopying machine too. Quite well equiped, isn't it?
The class rooms are relatively small, again, as compare to those I have in Singapore, but that's ok. I mean, we have very few students in a class, so it doesn't really matter.
I have to climb so many storeys to reach my class, phew!! But that's ok, just take it as an exercise then.
Ok!! That is basically all about my new school. Oh!! There is no canteen as you may have noticed, along the streets, there are many good restaurants, so we don't really have a canteen.
By the way, I'm recovering from my fever like so fast now, and the time here is 4.00am. I took my medicine and slept quite early, so I woke up early, and feeling totally refresh. Haha! That means I can hit the clubs tonight. =)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Alright dancers, I call this professional.
When I first saw her live performance at MTV Music Awards, I thought " what happened to the great britney spears that I used to worship? It looks like she doesn't want to dance at all.
However, after watching this video, just makes me love her more.
I guess, she understands that this is her last chance for redemption, for all that she had done, so she already gave her best.
I hope those who thinks she doesn't deserve a comeback, to think again, and consider her hardwork.
Well, I'm trying to make myself sounds like some kind of missionary angel, but I think such a talent like her should not be brought down by the pressure of media.
People shouldn't just talk about bad things that she had done, or happened to her. They should also think of her talents too, and recognize her works as well.
All the best to you, Britney. (I hope she gets to see this.)
I'm telling you, this guy is even more ironic than britney herself.
If he's acting, I bet he's gonna win a grammy award for the best actor.
It's like WHAT THE HELL!!
Ya, I think that the media is really being too much. They are really over-doing it.
But she's is your wife, your sister or YOUR MOTHER. Neither is she dying tomorrow.
Why the hell did have to cry like that.
People, you gotta check out his other videos too. This guy is seriously more ironic than iron itself. Puff!!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Had a wonderful dream last night.
Guess what I dreamt of?
In my dream, I saw myself still in singapore. Those good old days.
It was just a particular weekend.
I woke up in the morning, calling girls, Joleen, Cherie, Huimin and Yilin. Just my good friends.
Then get ready to meet them up for a girls day out.
We went to play pool at first, I used to meet cherie everyday and play pool with her. I seriously love playing pool, although I'm not very good at it.
Then we went shopping, I like shopping with Huimin, cause we have almost the same taste. We'll try on some clothings or accessories, admiring them, but hardly buy anything, NO MONEY.
After that, we went to Sakura. This is a memorial place for Joleen, Cherie and me. Guess what we were eating?
We ate GUI LING GAO!! Damn, I hate it, but BiBi and his friends were eat it like crazy, they were literally competing against each other, they may get GUI LING GAO's OVERDOSE? Hahaha...
Then I woke up, thinking those weren't dream, I actually thought I was still in singapore, I took up my handphone and was searching for cherie's number, intending to call her up.
I may sound like a total bimbo, but I can't help it, I'm missing them so badly. Nobody can understand that as much as I do.
After washing up, I chatted online with BiBi. We were diccussing about me getting a tattoo.
At first I thought he would totally blow up, and say he won't want me anymore.
However, it turns out to be better than I thought, we kinda negociate for awhile.
He said a small tattoo in a hidden place, lie on my lower back, would be ok, I was so surprised and happy that he agreed.
I assume that it was out of love, because he used to say if I get a tattoo, he will break up with me. I know how much he hates tattoos, but I love getting a tattoo that much too. Sorry, BiBi.
I promise you, if we ever gonna get married, I everyting also will listen to you. You really make my day by agree for me to put a tattoo.
Some of you maybe wondering why am I so under his finger, everything also ask for his opinion first.
The reason is pretty simple, I love him. So I care for his feelings, I don't try to force him to accept something he can't.
So I take some time, adn explain it to him. He has his reasons for not accepting it, and I have my reasons for doing it.
If each of us just a step back, and give in a little for each other's sake, nothing is impossible.
And I guess this is what people call respect. I think it should be applied in all kind of relationship.
Last but not least, I love you, my BiBi. Thanks for everything, thanks for giving in to me so much.
I guess I can't find anyone sweeter than you. Muuacks.
I wanna be with you forever, because I believe we'll be able to get through everything together.
And congrats to you that your exams are over. Just another question for you, SO WHEN ARE YOU COMING?
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I'm sure about you, but I certainly spent a lot of times calculating the amount of calorie I sinfully taken in. However, most of the times, my calculating are wrong, as I don't know how much calories does the food I take in contained or not too sure about it. I used to wish that I own a calculator which Automatically count the amount of calorie in all of my food.
I don't need a genie in a bottle anymore, I found that magical calculator, The Calorie Counter. It's free of charge, so no harm trying. It could be the answer to your secret prayer. To try, CLICK HERE
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
yorkshire terriers ty poodles
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Friday, August 03, 2007
I find the animals in here are so cute and funny
This guy really is awsome, in both character and his dance, despite his young age